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Version: 3.3.3

Upgrade guide

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.3.2 To 3.3.3

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.3.3

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.3.1 To 3.3.2

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.3.2

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.3.0 To 3.3.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.3.1

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.3.0-beta.5 To 3.3.0

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.3.0

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.3.0-beta.4 To 3.3.0-beta.5

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.3.0-beta.5

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.3.0-beta.3 To 3.3.0-beta.4

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.3.0-beta.4

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.3.0-beta.2 To 3.3.0-beta.3

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.3.0-beta.3

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.3.0-beta.1 To 3.3.0-beta.2

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.3.0-beta.2

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.2.1 To 3.3.0-beta.1

  • Updated Kotlin version to 1.8.22

  • Deprecated classes form com.appodeal.consent package was removed:

    • Consent
    • Consent.Zone
    • Consent.Status
  • Deprecated classes form package was removed:

    • GDPRUserConsent
    • CCPAUserConsent
    • UserConsent
  • Deprecated methods from Appodeal class was removed:

    • updateGDPRUserConsent(consent: GDPRUserConsent)
    • updateCCPAUserConsent(consent: CCPAUserConsent)
    • updateConsent(consent: Consent?)

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.2.1-beta.1 To 3.2.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.2.1

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.2.0 To 3.2.1-beta.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.2.1-beta.1. Consent will be requested automatically on SDK initialization but if you want to use ConsentManager manually then follow this guide

  • Deprecated classes form com.appodeal.consent package:

    • Consent;
    • Consent.Zone;
    • Consent.Status.
  • Deprecated classes form package:

    • GDPRUserConsent;
    • CCPAUserConsent;
    • UserConsent,
  • Deprecated methods from Appodeal class:

    • updateGDPRUserConsent(consent: GDPRUserConsent)
    • updateCCPAUserConsent(consent: CCPAUserConsent)
    • updateConsent(consent: Consent?)

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.2.0-beta.2 To 3.2.0

Admob Bidding is available. You need to download our newest version of Admob Sync tool from this page and perform sync. You can read more about Admob Sync in our guide.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.2.0-beta.1 To 3.2.0-beta.2

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.2.0-beta.2

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.1.3 To 3.2.0-beta.1

💥 Breaking changes for Native Ad

Follow this guide for implements new NativeAd logic.

  • Added NativeMediaViewContentType class

  • Removed MediaAssetType class

  • Removed method from Appodeal class:

    • Appodeal.setRequiredNativeMediaAssetType
  • Removed methods from the NativeAd interface:

    • NativeAd.getAgeRestrictions;
    • NativeAd.getProviderView.
  • Moved the following classes to the new package

    • NativeAdView;
    • NativeAdViewAppWall;
    • NativeAdViewNewsFeed;
    • NativeAdViewContentStream;
    • NativeIconView;
    • NativeMediaView.
  • Renamed methods from the NativeAdView:

    • NativeAdView.setNativeAd to NativeAdView.registerView
    • NativeAdView.unregisterViewForInteraction to NativeAdView.unregisterView
  • Replaced NativeAdType class to the new NativeMediaViewContentType class;

  • Replaced methods from Appodeal class:

    • Appodeal.setNativeAdType method with Appodeal.setPreferredNativeContentType. Use Appodeal.setPreferredNativeContentType to set the preferred native ad content type
    • Appodeal.getNativeAdType method with Appodeal.getPreferredNativeContentType. Use Appodeal.getPreferredNativeContentType to retrieve the preferred native ad media content type

💥 Breaking changes for AdMob Bidding

AdMob Bidding is now available.

Download our newest version of AdMob Sync tool from this page and perform sync.

You can read more about AdMob Sync in our guide.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.1.3-beta.2 To 3.1.3

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.1.3.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.1.3-beta.1 To 3.1.3-beta.2

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.1.3-beta.2.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.1.3-alpha.1 To 3.1.3-beta.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.1.3-beta.1.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.0.2 To 3.1.3-alpha.1

  • Removed deprecated methods. Use alternative implementation.
    Appodeal.initialize(Activity activity, String appKey, int adTypes, boolean hasConsent);
Appodeal.initialize(Activity activity, String appKey, int adTypes, Consent consent);
Appodeal.initialize(Activity activity, String appKey, int adTypes);
Appodeal.updateConsent(Boolean hasConsent);
Appodeal.disableNetwork(Context context, String network);
Appodeal.setUserGender(Gender gender);
Appodeal.setUserAge(int age);

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.0.1 To 3.0.2

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.0.2.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 3.0.0 To 3.0.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 3.0.1.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.11.1 To 3.0.0

Backward compatibility

Appodeal 3.0 is compatible with all methods of the previous version.

  • Added preferred SDK initialization method:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Appodeal.initialize(activity, appKey, adTypes, new ApdInitializationCallback() {
@Override public void onInitializationFinished(@Nullable List<ApdInitializationError> list) {
//Appodeal initialization finished


Other overloads of the Appodeal.initialize() methods have been marked as Deprecated and will be removed in future releases.

  • The ConsentManager library is now part of the Appodeal SDK and works automatically. The signature of the ConsentManager methods has not changed and can be used to get the Consent manually, but the package has been changed from com.explorestack.consent to com.appodeal.consent.


In future releases, Content Manager will become an internal part of the Appodeal SDK and will become unavailable for user use.

  • Added to public Api methods:
Appodeal.initialize(activity, appKey, adTypes, ApdInitializationCallback());
Appodeal.validateInAppPurchase(Context context, InAppPurchase purchase, InAppPurchaseValidateCallback callback);
Appodeal.logEvent(String eventName, Map<String, Object> params);
Appodeal.updateGDPRUserConsent(GDPRUserConsent consent);
Appodeal.updateCCPAUserConsent(CCPAUserConsent consent);
Appodeal.disableNetwork(String network);
  • Deprecated methods:
Appodeal.initialize(Activity activity, String appKey, int adTypes, boolean hasConsent);
Appodeal.initialize(Activity activity, String appKey, int adTypes, Consent consent);
Appodeal.initialize(Activity activity, String appKey, int adTypes);
Appodeal.updateConsent(Boolean hasConsent);
Appodeal.setTriggerOnLoadedOnPrecache(int adTypes, boolean triggerOnLoadedOnPrecache);
Appodeal.disableNetwork(Context context, String network);
Appodeal.setUserGender(Gender gender);
Appodeal.setUserAge(int age);

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.11.0 To 2.11.1

  • Changed methods in AppodealRequestCallbacks interface.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.10.3 To 2.11.0

  • Removed methods Appodeal.requestAndroidMPermissions(),

Appodeal.disableLocationPermissionCheck() and Appodeal.disableWriteExternalSToragePermissionCheck().

  • Deprecated methods Appodeal.sharedAdsInstanceAcrossActivities(), Appodeal.isSharedAdsInstanceAcrossActivities().

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.10.2 To 2.10.3

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.10.3.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.10.1 To 2.10.2

  • The minimum supported version of the Android SDK is now API 16.
  • Deprecate methods Appodeal.requestAndroidMPermissions(), Appodeal.disableLocationPermissionCheck() and Appodeal.disableWriteExternalSToragePermissionCheck().

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.10.0 To 2.10.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.10.1.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.9.3 To 2.10.0

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.10.0.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.9.2 To 2.9.3

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.9.3.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.9.1 To 2.9.2

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.9.2.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.9.0 To 2.9.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.9.1.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.8.1 To 2.9.0

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.9.0.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.8.0 To 2.8.1

  • Starting from SDK 2.8.1 Appodeal SDK binds the View ads (Banner/MREC) to the Activity which was passed to the method.. - Be careful with changing orientation or moving to a new activity, the banner will not be shown automatically, since it was bound to the previous activity.

  • If you want to hide the ad view, you need to call the Appodeal.hide() method with the parameter of the activity to which the ad view was bound.

  • If you want to hide the ad view from all activities and clear the memory, call the Appodeal.destroy() method.

  • New Appodeal.setSharedAdsInstanceAcrossActivities() method for share Banner/MREC views across all activities. By default logic is disabled. (See more: Enable Shared View Ads Instance Across Activities Logic)

  • Method Appodeal.onResume() has been removed. Now you should use if required.

  • Now you can call method in onBannerLoaded/onMrecLoaded callbacks, but pay attention - if automatic caching is disable we don't track impression intervals and it is at your discretion.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.7.3 To 2.8.0

  • Preparing your Gradle build for Android 11 Android 11 changes how apps can query and interact with other apps that the user has installed on a device. For that reason make sure you're using gradle version that matches one of listed **here **.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.7.2 To 2.7.3

  • Method Appodeal.setSegmentFilter() has been deprecated. If you are using with method, change it to Appodeal.setCusTomFilter().

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.7.1 To 2.7.2

  • Starting from SDK 2.7.2, we moved to AndroidX from support-library. Please pay attention to the corresponding clause in the integration documentation.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.7.0 To 2.7.1

No special steps are required to upgrade To 2.7.1.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.6.x To 2.7.0

Starting from version 2.7.0 you can use the Stack Consent Manager SDK to process and pass the user's consent:

  • New method initialize(..., Consent consent) Appodeal SDK with Consent Manager result object
    // NOTE: getConsent() - should be called after requesting user consent
Consent consent = ConsentManager.getInstance(this).getConsent();
Appodeal.initialize(this, "YOUR_APPODEAL_APP_KEY", adTypes, consent);
  • New method updateConsent(Consent consent) to provide the GDPR/CCPA user consent for ad networks in Appodeal SDK anywhere of your application. Appodeal SDK don't keep the GDPR/CCPA user consent between session, that means you should provide consent every time, otherwise, Appodeal SDK uses default or server value.
    // NOTE: getConsent() - should be called after requesting user consent
Consent consent = ConsentManager.getInstance(context).getConsent();

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.6.1 To 2.6.2

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.6.1.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.6.0 To 2.6.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.6.1.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.10 To 2.6.0

  • All ads callbacks now has appropriate "showFailed" method, e.g:
    public interface BannerCallbacks {
// ... other callbacks

* Called when banner show fail
void onBannerShowFailed();
  • Appodeal.getUserSettigns(...) is now deprecated , use direct functions instead:
* Set user id

* Set user age

* Set user gender
  • We changed Child-directed(COPPA) setting logic in this version SDK. Please see the information here.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.9 To 2.5.10

  • You can use the new updateConsent(boolean hasConsent) method to provide the GDPR user consent for ad networks in Appodeal SDK anywhere of your application. Appodeal SDK don't keep the GDPR user consent between session, that means you should provide consent every time, otherwise, Appodeal SDK uses default or server value. By default consent value is true.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.8 To 2.5.9

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.5.9.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.7 To 2.5.8

  • Integration via Download: myTarget, Facebook and Applovin are now distributing as AARs instead of JARs

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.6 To 2.5.7

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.5.7.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.5 To 2.5.6

  • Integration via Import : com.appodeal.optional:picasso:2.5.2 now part of required SDK dependencies and you shouldn't add it yourself

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.4 To 2.5.5

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.5.5.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.3 To 2.5.4

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.5.4.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.2 To 2.5.3

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.5.3.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.1 To 2.5.2

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.5.2.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.5.0 To 2.5.1

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.5.1.

Upgrade The Android SDK From 2.4.10 To 2.5.0

No special steps are required to upgrade to 2.5.0.