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Unity Ads

Unity Ads is a great video ad network that allows you to quickly and effectively monetize your apps.

Minimum requirements:

Make sure you haven't excluded Unity Ads from Appodeal SDK. It is included by default.


For Unity Ads, you can use either Appodeal Default Account or you can connect your Unity Ads Account to Appodeal. You can read more about these options here

Appodeal Default Account:

  • You need to full fill the requirements, which you can find in your App Settings -> Mediation Settings -> Line Items in your Appodeal account. 

Your Unity Ads Account:

  • Complete the steps below to link your Unity Ads account.

 Step 1. Prepare Unity Ads account

  1. Create a Unity account using this link. If you already have a Unity account, skip this step.
  2. Confirm your account via email.
  3. Go to the Unity dashboard and accept the Terms of Service Agreement.

 Step 2. Create a new Unity Ads app

Go to Unity DashboardProjects and click Create project button.

If your app supports both Android and iOS platforms, you don’t need to add each of them separately.

 Step 3. Configure Monetization

Go to Explore ServicesMonetization and press Set up button.

Then in Monetization section press Get Started.

 Step 4. Create placements for your app

Select Monetization on the left and go to the Ad Units and Placements.

An Ad Unit represents the ad format settings for a surfacing point in your game, or for a collection of Placements using the same format across multiple surfacing points.

Ad Units and Placements are created for you by default. If you want, you can create your own.
Click on the ad unit name to change its settings.

Go to MonetizationPlacements and here you can create your own placements by pressing Add Placement

 Step 5. Get Reporting API Key and Organization ID from your Unity account

The API uses a key from the Developer Dashboard. To find it:

  1. To get the API key go to MonetizationSetupAPI Management and then you can copy your API Key.
  1. To get Organization ID go to MonetizationSetupOrganization Settings and copy Organization core ID.
  1. Follow this link.
  2. Go to Unity and press Link your account.
  3. Add email for Unity account, API Key and Organization ID.
  1. Click on the Create button.

 Step 7. Create line items for your app

Go to MonetizationAd Units and copy your Game ID.

Go to Appodeal appsApp's settings (little gear) → Mediation settings, select the ad type. Choose your Unity account and fill in the Unity Game ID.

Then go to MonetizationPlacements and copy the placement ID.

Add a line item on Appodeal side. Go to Line Items in the app's settings, select the ad type, and press Add Line Item button.

Add Line Item label, Countries, eCPM, leave "Add to configurations" turned on, and fill in the Code.


The Code is a Unity Placement Reference ID.


Remember to save the changes.

 Step 8. Update app-ads.txt file


Be sure to set up app-ads.txt to help bidders and advertisers identify whether or not ad inventory is being sold by authorized sellers.

  1. If you implemented the app-ads.txt file, you should add the Unity Ads account lines. To get ones, read the official documentation.
  1. After you have copied the lines from Unity Ads, you need to insert them after the last line in our app-ads.txt file.

  2. Save changes and wait at least 24 hours for ad networks to crawl and verify your app-ads.txt file.

Now you can monetize with Unity Ads through Appodeal.