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Version: 3.4.0-beta.2

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Follow this guide to get the best out of Appodeal.

The Appodeal SDK gives you access to 70+ Ad Demand Sources and makes them compete against each other in a real-time auction, maximizing your ad revenues. The Appodeal SDK also provides In-app Bidding, Automatic UA Optimization, User Segmentation & A/B Testing, Cross-Promotion and Direct Deals, Instant Payouts, and much more.

Integration Options

Appodeal SDK provides two ways of integration. From the options below, choose the one that fits your needs better.

If you plan to run UA campaigns, want to analyze your metrics in our Appodeal's business intelligence tool without using MMP, or want to use remote config for tests and settings, your option is - the full package.

The Appodeal SDK Full Package - The Appodeal SDK provides you with tools to grow your mobile apps and games. In addition to the monetization services, you can benefit from UA (User Acquisition) and in-app analytics services. Here is the list of services Appodeal SDK Full Package includes:

  • Get started with Appodeal to gain access to Monetization and Analytics.
  • Connect with Adjust or AppsFlyer to unlock Attribution features.
  • Connect with Meta (formerly known as facebook-core) for User Acquisition.
  • Connect with Firebase for Analytics + remote config for product A/B tests and settings.

If you plan to run UA campaigns, want to analyze your metrics in our Appodeal's business intelligence tool without using MMP, or want to use remote config for tests and settings, your option is - The Appodeal SDK Full Package.


Please follow this integration guide step by step and choose your integration option when needed.

Also, remember that you can always customize Appodeal SDK with the help of our Appodeal Plugin Manager guide.

The following document shows how to integrate Appodeal in your Unity project with your desired networks, and configure all your ad formats.

Minimum Requirements:
  • Unity 2021.3.0+, 2022.3.0+, 2023.1.0+
  • Android API level 21 (Android OS 5.0) and above
  • iOS 13.0 or higher (only if you use Firebase, iOS 12.4 if you use MyTarget, otherwise iOS 12.0 or higher is sufficient)
  • Xcode 15.3 or higher
  • CocoaPods 1.12.0 or higher
  • Git must be installed on your device

You can use our demo app as a reference project.

Demo App (Beta)

Check our video guide on how to integrate Appodeal SDK in your app.

Step 1. Import SDK

Choose the desired integration type and follow the steps below to add Appodeal Plugin into your project.

  1. Download External Dependency Manager (.tgz one) v1.2.175 or newer from this website.

  2. Import EDM into your Unity project by adding the downloaded archive via Unity Package Manager (Window → Package Manager → "+" → Add package from tarball).

  3. Copy the link below, head to the Window → Package Manager → "+" → Add package from git URL, paste the copied link there and press enter.
Version Management

Use Appodeal Plugin Manager to update to the latest Appodeal SDK from the Unity menu bar (Appodeal → Plugin Configuration), which supports Unity 2018.3 or higher. You can find more information in our blog.

Step 2. Configure Project

In case you would rather use the Appodeal SDK Full Package along with its services, please ensure you have not excluded them in your project (Appodeal → Plugin Configuration).

Please read our Appodeal Plugin Manager guide for more detailed information.

Android Configuration

Gradle Settings

Preparing your Gradle build for Android 11

Android 11 changes how apps can query and interact with other apps that the user has installed on a device. For that reason make sure you're using Gradle version that matches one of listed here.

  1. Go to Preferences → External Tools and update your gradle version to 7.6.
  2. Go to Player Settings → Publishing Settings and enable Custom Base Gradle Template flag.
  3. Go to Assets → Plugins → Android → baseProjectTemplate.gradle, open the file and change '' version '7.4.2', '' version '7.4.2' to '' version '7.3.1', '' version '7.3.1'.
If you have EDM Plugin v1.2.175 or older, please check this guide.

External Dependency Manager

Appodeal Unity Plugin uses External Dependency Manager package. You need to complete the following steps to resolve Appodeal's dependencies:

  1. Before switching to Android platform, select File → Build Settings → Android in Unity menu bar.

  2. Add flag Custom Gradle Template for Unity 2017.4 - Unity 2019.2 versions or for Unity 2019.3 and higher activate the following toggles under Build Settings → Player Settings → Publishing settings:

    • Custom Main Gradle Template
    • Custom Gradle Properties Template
    • Custom Gradle Settings Template
  3. Enable the Patch mainTemplate.gradle option (Assets → External Dependency Manager → Android Resolver → Settings).

  4. Enable the Copy and patch settingsTemplate.gradle from 2022.2 option (Assets → External Dependency Manager → Android Resolver → Settings).

  5. Enable the Use Jetifier option (Assets → External Dependency Manager → Android Resolver → Settings).

  6. Then run Assets → External Dependency Manager → Android Resolver and press Resolve or Force Resolve.

As a result, the modules, that are required for Appodeal SDK work, will be imported to project's mainTemplate.gradle file.

Configure AndroidManifest.xml

Prevent Overwriting

Before making changes to the AndroidManifest.xml file, make sure to remove the first line which is:

Permissions Overview

We distinguish 2 sets of permissions: required permissions, that are obligatory for the correct work of Appodeal SDK, and optional permissions, that can be used for better targeting. For more information about the purpose of each of the permissions, see this FAQ section.

  • These are the required permissions
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  • These are the optional permissions
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />

Required permissions are already added to the project by Appodeal Unity Plugin. If you want to use any of the optional permissions, add them by following one of the methods listed below.

Open Appodeal → Appodeal Settings window in Unity top bar menu. Tick all the optional permissions you want.

Some networks and 3rd party dependencies (related to network dependencies) can include their own permissions to the manifest. If you want to force remove such permissions you can refer to this guide.

Location Permission Usage Features

According to Google policy, location permissions may only be requested to provide features beneficial to the user and relevant to the core functionality of the app. You cannot request access to location data for the sole purpose of advertising or analytics.

If you are not using location for the main functions of your app

  1. Remove location permission in your app by adding the following code under the <manifest> tag in AndroidManifest.xml file located at the Assets/Plugins/Android directory.
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.unity3d.player" xmlns:tools="">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"
tools:node="remove" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"
tools:node="remove" />
  1. Update the app on Google Play. During the publishing process, make sure there are no location warnings in Google Play Console.

If you are using location for the main functions of your app

  1. Fill out the Location permissions declaration form in Google Play Console. You can read more about the declaration form here.

  2. Update the app on Google Play. During the publishing process, make sure there are no location warnings in Google Play Console.

Multidex Support

  • If you are using Unity v2019.2 and versions below you need to add Multidex support to your project. Follow this guide to add Multidex.

  • If you are using Unity v2019.3 or higher go to Player Settings → Publishing Settings → Other Settings and change Minimum API Level to 21 or higher.

Google Play Distribution Reqs

Make sure to add Privacy Policy to your app on Google Play that links to Appodeal's Privacy Policy to avoid violating Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement.

iOS Configuration

External Dependency Manager

  • Turn off Link frameworks statically option in EDM (Assets → External Dependency Manager → iOS Resolver → Settings → Link frameworks statically).

Add SKAdNetworkIds

Ad networks used in Appodeal mediation support conversion tracking using Apple's SKAdNetwork, which means ad networks are able to attribute an app install even when IDFA is unavailable. To enable this functionality, you will need to update the SKAdNetworkItems key with an additional dictionary in your Info.plist.

Open Appodeal → Appodeal Settings window in Unity top bar menu. Tick the corresponding checkbox.

Configure App Transport Security Settings

In order to serve ads, the SDK requires you to allow arbitrary loads. Set up NSAppTransportSecurity key to allow arbitrary loads following the steps:

Open Appodeal → Appodeal Settings window in Unity top bar menu. Tick the corresponding checkbox.

Other Feature Usage Descriptions

To improve ad performance the the following entries may be added:

  1. NSUserTrackingUsageDescription - As of iOS 14 using IDFA requires permission from the user. The following entry must be added in order to improve ad performance.
  2. NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription - Entry is required if your application allows Appodeal SDK to use location data.
  3. NSCalendarsUsageDescription - Recommended by some ad networks.

Open Appodeal → Appodeal Settings window in Unity top bar menu. Tick the corresponding checkbox.

Known Issues

1. Empty CFBundleVersion Issue

As a result of this error found in Xcode 14 and persisting in Xcode 15, the values for Build and Version may appear blank within your .xcworkspace file under the navigation path Target → General → Identity.

If you are not able to upload your app to the App Store due to Connect Operation Error CFBundleShortVersionString is empty but must be composed of one to three period-separated integers error, or do not get ads in your app after completing the above integration steps of Appodeal SDK make sure that you have the package version in your generated Xcode project.

Navigate to the .xcworkspace file → Target → General → Identity → and add your app version if it is empty.

2. AdColony Presentation Issue

AdColony always checks, if the key window’s rootViewController matches the passed rootViewController. Otherwise, Adcolony fails to present the ad. If your app has multiple independent windows, you can get a message with this or similar text:

AdColony Error Message

AdColony [*** ERROR ***] : AdColony has ads, but could not display them. AdColony was unable to find the currently visible UIViewController for your app. Please ensure that your key UIWindow has a rootViewController.

It means, that the rootViewController that was used in showAd, doesn't belong to the first window in the array.

AdMob Configuration

Following this step is necessary only if you have AdMob adapter connected.

Admob Bidding is now available with Appodeal SDK 3.2.0.

Don't forget to download our newest version of Admob Sync tool from this page and perform sync.

You can read more about Admob Sync in our guide.

AdMob App ID is the unique ID assigned to your app.

To find the AdMob App ID in your AdMob account, go to Apps → your application → app settings and copy the AdMob App ID.

Add AdMob App Ids from the Unity Menu bar Appodeal → Appodeal Settings tool for each platform.

For more information about Admob sync check out our Admob connection guide.

Step 3. Initialize SDK

Before loading and displaying ads, you need to initialize Appodeal SDK, as follows:

  1. Import Namespaces
using AppodealStack.Monetization.Api;
using AppodealStack.Monetization.Common;
  1. Call Initialization Method

Add the following code snippet to Start() (or whatever you want) method of your main scene’s MonoBehaviour

class Test : MonoBehaviour
private void Start()
int adTypes = AppodealAdType.Interstitial | AppodealAdType.Banner | AppodealAdType.RewardedVideo | AppodealAdType.Mrec;
string appKey = "YOUR_APPODEAL_APP_KEY";
AppodealCallbacks.Sdk.OnInitialized += OnInitializationFinished;
Appodeal.Initialize(appKey, adTypes);

public void OnInitializationFinished(object sender, SdkInitializedEventArgs e) {}
Make sure to replace YOUR_APPODEAL_APP_KEY with the actual app key.

Use the type codes below to set the preferred ad format:

  • AppodealAdType.Interstitial for interstitial.
  • AppodealAdType.RewardedVideo for rewarded videos.
  • AppodealAdType.Banner for banners.
  • AppodealAdType.Mrec for 300*250 banners.
Useful Tip:

Ad types can be combined using | operator. For example, AppodealAdType.Interstitial | AppodealAdType.RewardedVideo.

Initialize only those ad types you want to use in your app to avoid getting ad requests to unused ones.

Step 4. Configure Ad Types

Appodeal SDK is now imported and you're ready to implement an ad. Appodeal offers a number of different ad formats, so you can choose the one that best fits your app's user experience.

Attention-grabbing full-screen ad with a static ad display.

Implement Interstitial

User-initiated ads where users can earn in-app rewards in exchange for viewing a video ad.

Implement Rewarded Ad

Traditional ad format that neatly places a small ad at the top or bottom of the screen.

Implement Banner

Medium-rectangule ads (300x250px) that appear within in-app content.

Implement MREC

Step 5. What's next

Add App-ads.txt File

The app-ads.txt file is a text file which provides a mechanism for publishers to declare their authorized digital sellers.

You can find detailed information here